Healing Arts
The Healing Arts
Reiki is a form of energy work with its roots in Japanese origin. Reiki promotes an environment for self-healing on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - by working with your body's energy system, easing stress and tension, and increasing relaxation. Click the "Book an individual Reiki Session" button below to schedule an individual appointment or click "Reiki Packages" to purchase a multi-session package to use whenever you need it in the coming year.
The Healing Arts provides multiple styles of healing and energy work that help you access self-healing and relaxation. The Healing Arts include Shamanic Healing, Reiki, and Past Life Regression among other methods. Each method is strong on its own and more significant when combined (also known as Integrative Healing). Open up to the Healing Arts to help you achieve a new level of health and wellness. Scroll down to see all the Healing Arts services available to you at Hibiscus Health and Healing Arts.
Angelic Healing
Focusing on the physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of you to bring balance, harmony and health to your body and to your life. Experience Crystal Healing, Chakra Clearing, Cord Cutting, Angelic Protection, Earthbound Spirit Removal, and Curse Lifting. Experience the healing energy of the Angelic Realm. I channel the love and healing energy from the Angels, Archangels, and Ascended Masters through me to you to help you in your healing process. Click the button below to schedule an appointment.
Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that has existed in many cultures for thousands of years. The Shaman is a Healer and Guide who incorporates the energies of the Earth and Spirit to help you in your healing process. She becomes the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms making it possible to journey to other worlds and bring back information and/or energy to energetically balance You and this World. There are many aspects to Shamanic Work including Power Animal Retrievals, Soul Retrievals, Removal of Energetic Intrusions, Spirit Releasement, and Space Clearing. Click the link below to schedule a Shamanic Healing session with me.
Past Life Regression
Sometimes we experience things repeatedly that keep us from progressing forward in life. We may wonder "why does this keep happening to me?" "Why do I keep doing this to myself?" "Why do I keep drawing the same people to me over and over?" Have you considered that this may be the result of something that happened in a past life? By going back to that past life and addressing the initial cause, we can address that event that caused these experiences and clear it. Click the link below to schedule a session.
Integrative Healing
Integrative Healing sessions involve the use of multiple methods of healing in one session. Your Integrative Healing session is individualized and dependent on what is needed. Your session may include a combination of Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Angelic Healing, Celestial Healing and/or Past Life Regression. The Integrative Healing session takes a minimum of 1.5 hours to complete. Click the button below to book this service.
*Appointments for any Healing Arts service may be rescheduled at any time. Please allow at least 24-hour notice for any appointment cancellation that is not rescheduled in order to receive a full refund. Less than 24-hour notice will result in 50% refund.
1 hr 30 min
150 US dollars- Available Online
1-Hour Reiki session utilizing Divine energy to promote relaxation and...
1 hr
100 US dollars - Available Online
Access the Angelic Realm for healing and messages of love & light.
1 hr
100 US dollars - Available Online
Clear your home of stuck energy, negative energy, and wandering spirit...
1 hr 30 min
150 US dollars - Available Online
An Online Monthly Reiki Circle for practitioners, clients and those wh...
20 US dollars